

To get started, there are multiple dependencies that require installation.

Installing cairocffi and pangocffi

Follow the instructions as provided by these dependencies:

Installing pangocairocffi

Install with pip:

pip install pangocairocffi

Note: Python versions < 3.6 are not supported.

Importing pangocairocffi

The module to import is named pangocairocffi, however you are welcome to alias the module as pangocairo:

import pangocairocffi as pangocairo

pangocairocffi will dynamically load PangoCairo as a shared library upon importing. If it fails to find it, you will see an exception like this:

OSError: dlopen() failed to load pangocairo: pangocairo-1.0 / pangocairo-1.0.0

If PangoCairo is not installed as a shared library, pangocairocffi supports specifying a path via an environment variable: PANGOCAIRO_LOCATION. Note that the loading of dynamic libraries also applies to pangocffi, so be sure to check Importing pangocffi as well for information on how to specify paths to Pango, GLib, and GObject.

Basic usage and example

Below is a rough example of how to use pangocairocffi together with pangocffi and cairocffi:

import cairocffi
import pangocffi
import pangocairocffi

# Create the surface and get the context
filename = 'test.pdf'
pt_per_mm = 72 / 25.4
width, height = 210 * pt_per_mm, 297 * pt_per_mm  # A4 portrait
surface = cairocffi.PDFSurface(filename, width, height)
context = cairocffi.Context(surface)

context.translate(0, height / 2)

# Build the layout
layout = pangocairocffi.create_layout(context)
layout.set_markup('<span font="italic 30">Hi from Παν語</span>')

# Render the layout
pangocairocffi.show_layout(context, layout)

# Output the surface

Which produces the following output:

PDF displaying "Hi from Παν語"